School taught us so many great things when we were students but now it is time to review for the test called “life.” Let’s figure out what might need to be “unlearned,” feisty ladies.
1. First and foremost, grades are not everything. Once you are admitted to college, the importance of those grades seems to vanish. Upon college graduation, most employers do not look at your grades to a large extent. The real “measure” of you is what kind of person you have become. We all know that grades do not measure those life skills you have learned that are required for life after the school days are over. I could not cook in Home Economics classes in school and I cannot cook now, but I have all of the restaurants on my phone to rustle up a great dinner pretty quickly. To me, that is a great life skill.
2. You do not have to get it “right” all of the time. It is okay, oh my God, to be wrong. Seek your answers out of the box and solve problems in a different way. Your “right” might not be what you expected it to be, but it could be just what you need to complete a project at your job or to work through a situation in your life. You may learn a lot from not being “right” all of the time; you could learn to be a lot more flexible, a skill that I work on every day.
3. Never walk on a thin line or on a clear path to success. Sometimes the detours in life can be where you were meant to be. You do not try to drive the bus in life; you are only on the bus. It takes you where you are meant to be. Enjoy the journey and you will learn a lot about yourself.
4. Always read between the lines. The information omitted can be the most important. Do not read things “into” a situation by reading too much between the lines but rather read exactly what you need to read to get the job done, no more, no less. Sometimes reading out loud helps me really get the true meaning out of things just like I am reading this blog out loud right now to get it right.
5. Get through the gray area to find answers. Sometimes things are not black or white but mostly gray. Seek out all the areas for answers but do not be surprised if the answer really is in the gray area. I really like the color gray, do you?
6. Sometimes okay is good enough. You are not perfect or proficient at everything, even though you might excel in a number of things. It is really is okay to not be Wonder Woman all the time, even though she was recognized by the United Nations for her empowerment of women and girls. (Yes, the United Nations). Besides, what would life be if there were no new things to learn or wonder about? Women instead can live by the words from the UN slogan, “think of all the wonders we can do”. That says it all.
7. You will not and cannot be the best all of the time. Yes, you are a success but some days go more smoothly than others. If you have a bad day, you will most likely do better tomorrow. Live with the fact that you will never be perfect. I learned that a long time ago. I do my best and that will just have to be okay; usually it is.
8. Life is simple yet complicated; choose wisely. Some things in life are cut and dried; others may defy logic. Some days are easy; others are not so easy. As you get go through life, you will celebrate the simple days and ”get over” the illogical days. Celebrate the good. Eat dark chocolate.
So instead of “unlearning” things, you might instead focus on “relearning” things. All levels of our schooling helped mold us women into the feisty ladies we are today. Celebrate yourself and throw those old reports cards away. They may have meant something years ago but today they are good only for remembering the fun days of school. I enjoyed school and continue to learn something new every day. How about you?