As I was driving along in pursuit of the perfect pumpkin, I saw this bumper sticker: "I never want to fix myself again!" I laughed and nodded to myself in agreement. However, shortly thereafter, I thought differently about those words.
The bumper sticker inferred a number of things to me that perhaps the driver of the car was thinking as well. Among those thoughts might be:
1. “I like the way I am. No need to fix me at all”.
2. “ I am happy with myself and see no need for improvements”.
3. “I heard those words so many times in my last relationship. She/He constantly wanted to fix me. Enough already”!
4. “ Accept me as I am gals/guys or move on”.
5. “How can you fix perfection”?
I never did catch up with the car as it sped on ahead of me. I did not notice if it was a male or female driver. And if the driver arrived at my destination, I could have had these questions answered but unfortunately the car just sped away.
I was left with my own thoughts and wondered how many other people thought the same way as the driver of this car did. We have all been in situations where someone wants to “fix” some part of us. Sometimes things can be in need of a “change”, a term I prefer instead of “fix”. But always remember, ”change” should always be on your own terms, not someone else’s. “Change” can spice up your life but only, on your own terms. And “change” should be the choice that you make, on your own terms. You own your “change” and are ultimately responsible for yourself as you make the “change”. “Change” is all up to you and not anyone else. Never ever let anyone tell you otherwise.
Some “changes” are hard versus harder, bad versus good, smart versus smarter or good versus great. You have the power over your life and the “change” that you make. We all can handle “change” but only so much. You alone can decide which “change” is best for you.
Maybe this is what the driver of the car felt. Maybe this person felt no control over “fix/change”. What a shame for anyone to feel that way. The older I become, the more I feel the need for some “change” in my life. But for right now, I feel that…
“This is exactly where I am meant to be at this time”. I hope that all feisty ladies feel the same. I can “change” any time, any day, and any thing that I want but for today I am happy where I am and hope that you are, too.