So how are my New Year’s resolutions going?
I had decided, as you know, to follow the 12 laws (one for each month of the year) of karma, in my own words and in my own way. Here is my progress in the third month of my 12 step plan.
For March, I have been following The Law of Humility: Be humble and accept what is. It will still be what is if you accept it or not. Sometimes life sucks; you cannot change it. Move on, try again, and make it better.
What does it mean to be humble? I consulted a few people and asked them what this means to them. Below are their answers.
You are humble if you:
- are comfortable and confident with yourself and let your deeds speak for themselves (I try to but sometimes a “gentle reminder” is needed).
- embrace self evaluation and be open to criticism (Working on this one).
- celebrate the achievements and potential of others (Depends on the age group and how they react).
- do not let pride and praise go to your head ( Not brought up to “toot my own” horn and avoid doing this for fear of getting in trouble with my Mom).
- keep your opinions to yourself unless asked (No way. I cannot resist a good debate).
- listen to the words of others (As long as they are not too long winded).
- are happy not being the “star”( I am fine being in the background as much as possible).
- hate arguing (Not if I know that I am right).
- think of others before yourself ( Always try to. Maybe too often actually).
Yes, I do have a bit of work to do on the whole humility thing but I am only in month 3 of this year.
“Accept what is. It will still be there if you accept it or not. Sometimes life sucks; you cannot change it.” I think that these words ring true for the “Mr. Wonderful “of my life. It did suck at first but now it sucks so much less. During a recent visit to the ER, it felt great to remove his name as the “person of contact” on my file. According to the admitting lady, many women are doing the same thing in the same gleeful manner. Go feisty ladies.
And finally, I also focused on my “move on, try again, and make it better” words. (I will now get on my political soapbox). I am trying everyday to do just this as I call 5 congress people to encourage them to vote for the good of others not just a select few. I practically have their numbers memorized as I leave daily message in support of the ACA, Planned Parent Hood, NEA, Meals on Wheels, and against the NRA. As issues arise, I feel the need to “make it better”. On the “make it better” thing, I am doing just fine.
So as I reflect in Law number 3, I am happy with my progress so far. I still have about a week to go so I will work on the humility thing some more. I know that life can suck, but mostly I know that it I a pretty great life that I lead. I am moving on, trying again, and making it better for me and hopefully for others, too.
Looking forward to April and the next law of Karma; stay tuned.