The Law of Responsibility: Take responsibility for what is your life.
Be active in your life; do not be a passenger. Change it as you need to… rightnow. Change can be difficult but some things in life are not easy, right?
As the month of May ends and June begins, I have been thinking about all of the folks in our world who never take responsibility for their lives, what is wrong in their lives, and what they are doing to mess up the lives of others. It is always “someone else’s fault”; “it is not true”; “it was not me who did this”. I could go on but you get the point. Blamers are all around us not just in voices of children but in the voices of plenty adults, too. I am sure that you could name ten “blamers” easily.
So how does one cope with these “blameless folks”? (We even elected one of these deniers president). We keep on fighting back . We join the resistance, we write postcards, we make calls, we march. If you do not speak up, no one will ever know what you think or that you agree or disagree. I call and write weekly to advocate for the public schools, the elderly, and those on disability. Change is not easy but I am ready to do my best to change things for the better. Make your voice heard. What you say and do does matter.
The next three years will be rough but who ever said that life was easy, feisty ladies. Hang on to those pink hats; we all need them. Take responsibility to help the poor, elderly, and the incarcerated. They all are counting on us more than ever