My new look!
I am really very fussy about my hair. I have my hair cut and colored faithfully every four to six weeks. My hair needs to be “just right “ or I have to redo it, even if it makes me late for work. I detest my gray hair. I have to be a blond or I am not a happy camper. The rest of my person could be a bit “off”, but my hair has to be nearly or completely perfect or I am a feisty mess.
During my recent stroke treatment and recovery, I had tubes inserted into my head to drain the blood from a recent brain bleed. This bleeding caused my stroke and had to be controlled before my treatment could begin. At some point, after inserting the tubes and the bleeding finally stopping, said tubes were finally removed and my head was “stapled “ shut post surgery. My hair also had to be trimmed around the tubes but I never even felt the staples until it was time to be discharged from the hospital. I had washed my hair during my hospital stay and honestly never felt the staples, but did feel them as they were removed. Ouch.
On my first post hospital visit to my neurologist, Dr. Nicole, my hair was already turning white/gray where the staples had been removed. I mentioned this earlier to my family who subsequently started calling me a “skunk” in honor of the white/gray streak from the front of my head to the back of the head. One family member suggested calling me “flower”, instead, in honor of the skunk character in the movie Bambi. Ha.Ha. And unfortunately, the name has stayed with me. Great.
Dr. Nicole also let me know that no hair coloring was allowed for six months from the date of surgery so I will remain a “skunk” for the time being. Eek. I guess that I will have to buy a hat, or some type of head covering to cover up my skunk stripe on my head. She could see the look of terror on my face and assured me that six months without hair color after brain surgery was the norm. Since I will be returning to work at the end of June (six months after the surgery), hair coloring will be the first order of business. That will feel so good and I will looks much better upon my return to work. The feisty lady returns and I will look great.
So feisty women, color your hair whenever, however, and in the color of your choice.
I envy you, a lot. But in June, being a blonde will be in the cards for me. I am counting the days till then.