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Karmic Law #6: Everything in the Universe is connected. Each step leads to the next step, and all the steps are needed to accomplish any given task. Respect the journey and respect the whole process of doing anything. All the steps you take are important. They are all valuable. Enjoy the journey and complete all of the steps required.
This law of connection is really a tough one for some feisty women. Some of us just want to decide, plan, and complete the task. Too often we forget to enjoy the process and all of the steps along the way as we focus on the end result. Many of us are simply too goal-oriented and forget to enjoy the journey. “Just get it done!” we say. Actually, many of my feisty friends do enjoy completing tasks and will enjoy the process when they look back on the completed task, even if they do not always admit this right away.
One thing that does often help is writing about these experiences. Writing on a computer or keeping a traditional journal notebook, whatever it takes. I feel that writing has really helped me connect my past (oh God), the present (going well), and my (ever hopeful) future as I work on my Feisty Lady series of books. Writing is a step-by-step process with no shortcuts, only re-edits. I know that I have to go slowly to get all of the details right, to have one story flow into the next story, and always to have an ending that offers advice, no matter how good or bad it may seem. Maybe this is how I best succeed in living the Law of Connection. And maybe I should just keep on doing what I do best: writing my funny, quirky stories of all those women who have survived their very own “Mr. Wonderful” and kept their sense of humor to live a better life without him.
Do your own thing, in your own way, in your own time. Take the steps that work for you. Choose to reflect or not reflect. Enjoy your life. Live the Law of Connection in your own way. Respect yourself and be happy doing whatever offers you the connection that you need. Be happy.