Just Ask Elizabeth- Improve Your Mood


Dear Elizabeth,

I really need help improving my “unfeisty” mood. How do I improve my bad mood? Help!

Cranky in CT

Dear Cranky in CT,

I also feel like this sometimes; all feisty women sometimes feel “unfeisty.” I, of course, have a few suggestions for improving your mood. They will help you, I am sure because they have also helped me.

Sometimes you may need to take a break from conversations. Try to listen more and let others fix their own problems, in their own feisty way. You are responsible for yourself only.

Dwelling on your problems is not a way to solve them. Distract yourself by going for a walk, reading a good book, or journaling. Then map out a plan to solve your problem. Be feisty.

Find ways to beat stress. Figure out the root of your turmoil and develop some new skills to cope. Talk to a good listener and the solution will probably come to you as you have a feisty “vent.”

Do you feel not “happy” enough? Spend some time meditating and honor whatever you feel.

Be kind to your feisty self and the feelings often pass for me.

Always honor your feelings. It is okay, feisty women, to feel blue sometimes. I do some deep breathing exercises, walk in the sunlight, and give myself a “pep” talk.

If you are feeling cranky, feisty women, so what? Stay away from the person, place, or thing that makes you cranky. You owe that to yourself and you will soon feel better.

Always take care of your body, sleep more, nap if you feel like it, eat healthily, and limit your caffeine intake. Never ignore the dark chocolate craving. It can help you feel better!

I always, remember, feisty women, to lift myself up….no matter what!

Hope that you feel more feisty soon!