Just Ask Elizabeth - Celebrating New Career Successes


Dear Elizabeth,

I am working hard on a new career path. While there have been many challenges along the way,

I want to also focus on my success and keep moving forward. Any suggestions?

Celebrating Successes in AZ

Dear Celebrating Success in AZ,

Congratulations on a new career path. There are many ways to celebrate your SUCCESS. I use the following:

See your end goal and focus on it. (Writing books!)

Understand all the potential obstacles and learn from them as you move forward. (I will!)

Create a new positive mental picture of what you plan to achieve. (More books!)

Clear your mind of any self-doubt because you can do this. (I know that I can!)

Embrace the challenge or learn new things to promote your business. (Will do!)

Stay on track, no matter what distractions come your way. (Stay focused always.)

Show the world that you can do it! (Two books already published. More to come!)

So always keep moving forward. The world needs feisty women every day to help make our world a better place. Our new businesses may very well do just that!