Just Ask Elizabeth - Living A Simple, Less Stressful Life

Dear Elizabeth,

I am promising myself this New Year to live a simple, less stressful life. Any suggestions?

Trying my best to live a simple, less stressful life in Trenton

Dear Trying my best to live a simple, less stressful life in Trenton,

 I, too, am trying to keep my life simple and less stressful this year. Below is my “to-do” list for doing just this. Feel free to use my list of suggestions. I will let you know how it is going for me. Living a simple and less stressful life is always best.


Drivers On The Road

Feisty women, have you ever said, “where did you learn to drive?” I am constantly amazed by some drivers on the road. I am motoring along at or slightly just above the speed limit when I see the flashing lights in my mirror. Seems that I am not going fast enough for the driver behind me. Sometimes, they do slow down but others just get closer. More than once they have tried to pass me on the right road shoulder. I just remember that there may be a policeman up ahead who can ticket them, or that they will be a senior driver one day, or that they are behind me. Be safe, feisty women, and just keep on driving till they can pass. Try to ignore their inappropriate hand gestures, and remember that no response is the best response. Stay safe on the highways!

Just Ask Elizabeth - A Quiet Home

Dear Elizabeth,

Things are always quiet in my home, and I like it that way. A few friends have been complaining about the silence in their homes, but not me. I am enjoying the peace and quiet. What makes me crave silence?

Loving the quiet in Lebanon

Dear loving the quiet in Lebanon,

I, too, enjoy the quiet in my home. I had a rather noisy job that I am now retired from, so I embrace the quiet as a time to think, relax, and write another book. I enjoy walking with friends, but that alone quiet time is also precious to me. Just enjoy what works for you and you will be happiest.

Your Best Is Enough

Feisty women, have you ever said,” Your best is enough.”? I said these words a lot when I was a teacher. My students often did their best but felt that it was not enough. I constantly assured them that is all anyone can ask of another person, and I reminded them of this often. I need to remember these words, too and so should all of us.

Just Ask Elizabeth - How Many Clothes Are Too Many?


Dear Elizabeth,

This year, I made a resolution to buy less. I really have plenty of clothing and really do not need anything but resisting the urge to buy something new is difficult. Any suggestions?

Wanting Less Clothing in Wilson

Dear Wanting Less Clothing in Wilson,

I, too, have been an “overbuyer” of clothing. My motto this year is to stop shopping and wear what I already own. I regularly donate to the church thrift shop, the women’s shelter, and family members. I recycle old t-shirts into cleaning rags. Other than a new swimsuit, one pair of boots, and walking sandals, I have really cut back. It has been easier than I thought. You can surely do the same. Buy only what you absolutely need. Save the planet in your own way.

Just Ask Elizabeth - Making New Year's Resolutions

Dear Elizabeth,

I need help creating simpler New Year’s resolutions. I usually last about a day or so and then I am back to my old habits. Any suggestions?

Dear Needing simpler New Year’s resolutions in New England,

I too have struggled with making doable New Year’s resolutions. My first resolution is a simple one: stay hydrated. A new study just published today touts the benefits of doing just this and so I know that my choice is a good one. Who knew? I will just need to time my intake when I am at home. Wish me luck.


Mind Your Behavior

Feisty women,
Have you ever said,” I like you, but I don’t like your behavior.”? I said this frequently when I was a teacher. Sometimes students said or did things that were not appropriate, and I used this line to remind them of this. They were all likable, but sometimes their behavior was not. Their facial expressions soon showed them thinking about what I had said or done, as they started often, to reassess their words or behavior. We all “goof up” from time to time and this simple line gives everyone a chance to re-think their words and to be more accurate, kinder, and appropriate with their words. So, always treat others how you want to be treated. This goes for everyone!

Better Early Than Late

Feisty women,
Have you ever said, “Always be where you need to be on time.”? When I was a teacher, I had to remind my students constantly about being on time, even as I gave them a bit of extra time to get to class. I, too, have had to remind myself to get my act together when I need to be somewhere at a specific time. Something always seems to make me late and I hate being late. So, feisty women, get ready early, give yourself plenty of time and always be on time. Better early than late!