Just Ask Elizabeth - Humor May Be The Best Recourse


Welcome to “Just Ask Elizabeth.” Week #2

My new Feisty Woman advice weekly column offers advice to all women in need of help in their relationships, at whatever stage in their lives.

All advice offered includes the words, thoughts, and actions of feisty women that I have met. What worked for these women may work for you!

Want some feisty advice? Submit your questions on the contact page. Stay tuned every Wednesday for new Q & A’s.

Dear Elizabeth,

I have a pet peeve about people running into me with their shopping cart! This happens to me even in my early morning shopping hours at the grocery store. I just want to let these people “give them a piece of my mind,” but have so far resisted. Any suggestions? 


Dear Bonnie,

The same thing just happened to me last week. I have some balance issues due to a recent medical condition, so I know a bit about the shopping cart dilemma because I, too, have bumped my cart into others! I was waiting in the checkout line and got bumped into from behind by a lady…. and her walker 

As I turned around, she immediately started to apologize. I knew exactly how she felt because I have done the same thing. She noticed my cane and wondered how I was navigating with the cane. I immediately relaxed (and so did she) and shared with her that I had many months of walker issues and still use the walker on my daily 4-5 mile walks, per doctor’s orders. I shared that I had “graduated” to the cane, so I knew exactly how she felt! (Never in my life did I ever imagine that I would ever share “walker” and “cane” stories with anyone, but here I was doing just that.)

 I offered her a few tips, which she thanked me for and again apologized. My response to her was…” so, when do you want to walker race?” She immediately broke into a huge smile and started laughing and so did her daughter who was standing behind her, listening to our entire conversation. She responded that “spring would be good,” so that she had time to get used to the walker. We promised to meet on a Monday, a regular shopping day for both of us. We decided to race in the parking lot in spring, maybe April. We both left the store with a smile on our faces!

Sometimes, humor is the best recourse when things like this happen. A little bit of kindness went a long way that day. It always does, feisty ladies!
